
Cord Cutting Intro

Lately I have been seeing many references of how beautiful Lucifer was thought to be in the beginning.  He later had to be let go. I do not know many details of that story, but it reminds me of cutting cords. Love and appreciation for others can happen from afar.  Love can reach from heaven …

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What is LOVE Pt. 2 <3

Grand Rising, I’ve lately been getting into “A Return To Love” by Marianne Williamson.  The book is written based on a class taken by the author: A Course In Miracles.  I cracked this book open a few times and finally got a good enough percentage in to reflect. I’ve also been in about 3-6 breakups …

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Why I Meditate? Pt. 2

Heyo, It’s the end of a Scorpion, Mercury retrograde.  Almost anytime Scorpio is mentioned, I feel motioned to mention I have a stellium: Rising, Mars, Mercury and Pluto are all in Scorpio.  As I was flipping through my favorite book Lightseeds by Wabun Wind & Anderson Reed I could not help but want to share …

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Why I Meditate

Grand Day. Winter is among us.  As I prepare for seasonal depression I’m reminding myself why I’m still on this path and ways to stay afloat.  Meditation will be the focus this time. I first started meditating in 2015.  I had not been to any class or done it with any groups.  I did watch …

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What is LOVE? Pt. 1

Grand Day,      This will be the first part of what I assume to be many parts on LOVE.  I love love. Sometimes I can be addicted to receiving outside feelings of love.  I try to remind myself that I need to love me first always, in order to be in an adequate position to …

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