Black Tourmaline

Chakra(s): Root

Element(s): Earth

Energy: Receptive

Planet(s): Saturn

Sign(s): Capricorn, Virgo

Tarot Card(s): The Devil(Folly), Nine of Wands

Location(s): Brazil, China, Pakistan, USA

Keyword(s): protection, purification, release, grounding, balance, security, patience, cleanse

Black Tourmaline Helps:

  • bring your being to a secure and grounded state
  • release and protect aura from negativity
  • cleanse the energetic field

Black Tourmaline is a crystal that provides one with grounding.  Cleanse the root chakra to allow the energy of the Earth to freely rise up.  This can help cleanse and harmonize the remaining chakras once the flow of the root chakra is restored.

Block negative energy when you carry black tourmaline with you.  Due to it’s rather brittle state, it may be challenging to wrap in jewelry, as it may break apart.  This is also a reminder to not let water touch it, as it will disintegrate.  Being a protective stone, pay close attention to when it does need to be energetically cleansed.

Black Tourmaline can provide protection which can create a more peaceful state of existence.  It reminds you of your connection to the Earth and the righteous security we all have in the realm.  When destructive energy is near, create a safe distance from it to avoid merging onto a low frequency.

Use black tourmaline in any spells, grids, or meditations dealing with the Earth.  It also provides one with psychic protection.  Hold one when doing work that pertains to the third eye and crown chakras.

Any harmful thoughts: anxiety, unworthiness, self-judgement will be reversed and blocked.  Sleep with one under your pillow to refresh the etheric body, where many things in our physical reality are manifested from.


Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, & Metal Magic. (Llewellyn Publications, 1996)

Simmons, Robert. The Pocket Book of Stones: Who They Are & What They Teach. (North Atlantic Books, 2015)