Chakra Meditation(With a Selenite Wand)

The human body channels energy through the chakra system and distributes it through the body.  If you are having a headache, energy could be consciously redirected from the third eye chakra.  When experiencing mental cramps energy can be sent to the root chakra to release some of the pain.  When our chakras are out of balance or blocked, we experience the effects through our physical, mental and emotional bodies.

Crystals can help maintain the natural flow of energy through your chakras.  Try this meditation with a selenite wand, to help direct the energy through your chakras as needed.  Remember to read through the meditation first, and always use your intuition when working with crystals on yourself or others.  If the energy feels too intense, set the crystal down and try simply using visualization instead.

Healing is important and crystal healing is real.  When one goes to a doctor for medicine, you are diagnosed and then given treatment.  The main point here is someone understood what was wrong with you and then you were given something to allow you to heal.  Using crystals is the same. Understand if you are depressed and why. For me, when a short term relationship ended unexpectedly, I denied my sadness for a month.  I was aware but was too full of a foolish ego to admit how much hurt I constantly felt. I made mistakes and had to own up to them within myself, and then learn to forgive myself and love myself again.  On a lighter note, when my cell phone battery is low and I am out in public, it makes me a tad bit anxious. However, if previous events have gone on that day and I am already experiencing anxiety, this could be the drop that cracks the crystal.  Regardless of the size or root of the dis-ease, understanding the layers of it is beneficial in returning to a state of harmony. Knowing whether or not I am anxious or depressed and bonus points for knowing why, make all the difference when using crystals for healing.

Start with the root chakra.  

Point your selenite wand towards your, at the chakra and rotate your hand clockwise.  

1.Take three deep breaths

2. Say “I’m sorry”

3. Take three deep breaths

4. Say “Please forgive me”

5. Take three deep breaths

6. Say “Thank You”

7. Take three deep breaths

8. Say “I love you”

9. Repeat until you can feel the chakra is clear and energy is flowing freely through it.

10. Move up one chakra, and repeat.

When these phrases are said aloud, mean them.  Say them fully, clearly, and with great intention.  Use any emotional energy you can spare to feel the words deeply as you speak them.  Knowing why and fully acknowledging mistakes will make this process much simpler, but it does not guarantee it will make it easy.  This may work wonderfully on the first try, it may alternatively only alleviate some pain, try it again in a few days and see if you can remove the root of the pain.

Focus on the chakra and the energy flowing from the selenite wand to know whether to speed up or slow down rotation in healing.

This can be done with or without a selenite wand.  For a more intense healing: visualize the emotional, mental, or physical pain on the chakra level as a three dimensional shape.  Chip away at it if it’s hard, rub it if it’s sore etc to help place the chakra back in harmony. It can be as creative or basic, but remember to follow your intuition.

We have selenite wands in the shop. Let us know in a comment if you intend on trying this meditation out!