Chakras Balanced or Unbalanced

Harmonic chakras allow us to love ourselves and others, connect to our guides and ancestors, manifest our desires, live with abundance, feel at peace with ourselves, and more. When the chakras are not balanced it can lead to a lack of resources, unhealthy habits, feeling unloved or insecure which can all lead to dis-ease.  When things are not cared for on a spiritual, emotional, or mental level they negatively manifest into our physical bodies and worlds.  These will come in the form of accidents, sickness, fear, pain etc.

Each chakra governs different areas of the body and is responsible for specific diseases and occurrences.  It may not always be simple to immediately resolve, but here are a few references of what it may feel like when each chakra is in and out of balance.

CROWN•Lack of faith in higher self
•Anger towards God/Universe
•Feel alone
•Lack of trust in path
•Connected to Divine
•Feel unity with all
•Easily able to elevate consciousness
THIRD EYE•Fear of intuition
•Does listen to inner voice
•Sole focus on intellect/physical realm
•Trust inner voice/self
•Vision goes beyond physical realm
•Intuitively receives and follows information
THROAT•Feel silenced or judged after speaking
•Out of touch with will to live
•Difficulty speaking personal truth
•Creative expression of self
•Balance between silence and speech
•Follows dreams
•Says what is meant and meant what is said
HEART•Disconnected from self
•Feeling undeserving of love
•Out of touch with sense of self
•Develops depression*
•Shows compassion
•Loves self and others
•Easily cultivates joy
•Gives and receives genuine love
SOLAR PLEXUS•Lack of self respect
•Gives away power easily
•Over controlling
•Feels inadequate
•Self confidence
•Knows when/how to use power
•Tolerates and accepts self and others
SACRAL•Not connected to creativity
•Gender issues
•Emotionally disconnected
•Relationship/reproductive issues
•Secure in abundance
•Healthy connection to emotional aspects of sexuality
•Creates and maintains healthy relationships
ROOT•Family issues
•Feel fearful
•Primal needs are not med
•Disconnected from mother Earth
•Feels grounded
•Tuned into Nature
•Understands all needs are provided for
•Connection to family/tribal roots

*Certain feelings like depression or anxiety can be rooted from disharmony in any chakra depending on the true source of why that feeling has been manifested.  Try sitting and meditating on or writing more about the feeling to unlock the chakra that holds the dense energy.

Check out our previous post for just a few crystals that go with each chakra.  Try placing a crystal directly on each chakra during meditation to bring them all back into balance and harmony.  

Stay tuned for our next post on more specific ways to bring all of our chakras into a balanced, harmonic state of being.