Chakras Introduction

Chakras are energy centers or wheels, in Sanskrit, that exist within and around the body.  There are 7 main chakras we will introduce today.  They also have corresponding names in Sanskrit.  Sanskrit originated about 5000 years ago in Southeast Asia.  Many ancient Hindu and Buddhist texts are written in this language.  

Each chakra is located in a specific part of the body and governs a different area of life.  Here’s the keywords that coincide with each chakra.  The top three chakras(crown, third eye, throat) are the spiritual chakras and the lower three chakras(solar plexus, sacral, root) are the physical chakras.  The heart is the bridge that connects the physical to the spiritual.

Blocked chakras will bring us to a state of dis-ease, anxiety, and stress.  Balanced chakras help us create and maintain a healthy and harmonic life.  We want to avoid blocked chakras and keep them balanced to allow love and pure energy to flow through us.

We can bring our chakras to a state of harmony through meditation, food, crystal healing, essential oils/herbs and more.  There are many benefits of focusing on having harmonic chakras: it relieves stress, builds intuition, helps us communicate successfully, creative expression is achieved,  we manifest our desires, and more!

Mantras are sounds or words that are repeated or chanted continuously, usually during meditation to maintain focus, concentration, or reach a desired state of consciousness.  A common one you may have heard is ‘ohm’ or ‘om’.  Please note the phonetic saying of each.

Affirmations are sentences or phrases we say aloud to affirm things within our being, so that it may also be manifested outside of us, where necessary.

When using affirmations, say them with passionate emotion and start each sentence with the two words according to the respective chakra. Repeat as needed. If you are having a hard time coming up with one of your own, try searching some on the internet.

For example if you are feeling under expressed vocally, work on an affirmation related to the throat chakra: I speak my truth.  I speak to accurately express myself.  I speak love unto myself and others.  If you are feeling down and dense, it could be a variety of chakras: I am secure in my being.  I love myself and others unconditionally.  I know I am following my path.  I can be all I set out to be.

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and the color is red. Some common crystals used on the root chakra are black tourmaline, black obsidian, and red jasper.

The sacral chakra is located in the pelvic area and the color is orange. Some common crystals used on the sacral chakra are carnelian, orange calcite, and sunstone.

The solar plexus chakra is located at your gut and the color is yellow. Some common crystals used on the solar plexus chakra are citrine, pyrite, and tiger’s eye.

The heart chakra is located at the center of your chest and the color is is green(pink crystals are paired with the heart chakra, as well). Some common crystals used on the heart chakra are rose quartz, green aventurine, and unakite jasper.

The throat chakra is located at the base of the throat and the color is light blue. Some common crystals used on the throat chakra are lapis lazuli, sodalite, and blue lace agate.

The third eye chakra is located at the forehead, between the eyebrows and the color is indigo. Some common crystals used on the third eye chakra are amethyst, fluorite, and labradorite.

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and the color is violet or white. Some common crystals used on the crown chakra are selenite, rainbow moonstone, and lepidolite.