Cleansing Crystals PT.1


Whether it just came out of the Earth or is specifically intended for you, crystals should always be cleansed before carrying around or utilizing their powers.

Before cleansing a crystal, examine it’s cloudiness and energetic state to be sure it has been cleansed afterwards.


Please note that Amethyst, Citrine, Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz , and Kunzite will fade when overexposed to sunlight.

An easy way to cleanse a crystal is to set it in sunlight for at least three days.  The rays of the Sun dissolve unwanted energies from the crystal. Check the crystal daily, as some may benefit from up to one week’s worth of Sunlight.  Use your receptive hand to gauge if the crystal is ready for use or still carrying unintended energy.

When possible, place the crystal in direct sunlight as opposed to being behind a screen or glass window, which will hinder the crystal cleansing process.  Remember to take the crystal back inside for the day, once the Sun has set.

Certain crystals when put in direct Sunlight will fade: Amethyst, Citrine, Rose Quartz and Smoky Quartz.  Try using an alternative method like water or Earth to cleanse these special crystals.


Please note that Selenite, Tourmaline, Kyanite, Turquoise, Moonstone Calcite, Kunzite, Angelite, Azurite, are softer stones and should not be placed in, or come in contact with water.

Find a running stream or river, easily accessible from your home.  To prevent the stones from being washed down the stream, place them in a net bag or container with holes to let the water wash through.  Leave the crystal overnight to allow the stream to gently remove unwarranted energy. In the morning, observe the crystal and hold it in your receptive hand to be sure it is cleansed. Otherwise, it is advised to leave the crystal for another day to allow a thorough cleansing process.

The running water method may be less convenient but may potentially require less time to cleanse than with direct Sunlight.  Be sure to thoroughly examine the clarity of the crystal and feel it with your receptive hand to ensure it is in its purest form of cleanliness.


The powers of the Earth offer a unique method to cleanse crystals(and humans too)!  Find a spot you will remember and bury the stone in the Earth for one week. Remove the stone and check that it has properly been cleansed (for humans: DO NOT bury yourself, place your bare feet on the bare Earth).


Items Needed: Washing bowl, pure water, table or altar, red candle, matches, incense stick, flower pot filled with Earth’s soil, a quiet mind


  1. Fill a washing bowl up with pure water and place it to the West of a table or altar.  
  2. Light a red candle and set it to the South.  
  3. Burn an incense stick and place it to the East.  
  4. Place a flower pot filled with the soil of the Earth to the North.  
  5. Place the desired stone in the center of all of these objects.  
  6. Quiet your mind and center your energy.  When you feel ready, pick up the stone with your receptive hand.
  7. Focus your energy on the filled flower pot.  Set the stone on top of the soil and cover it completely with the soil.
  8. Recite a mantra of your own or use these a guides to finish the ritual:
    1. “I purify you with Earth!”
      1. Leave the stone sit for 5 minutes while you visualize the soil removing all impurities.
      2. Pick up the stone, brush it clean and hold it in the incense smoke.
      3. From right to left, pass the crystal through the smoke nine times while repeating your next mantra
    2. “I purify you with Air!”
      1. While the smoke wafts away negative energy, pass the crystal through the candle’s flame while repeating your next mantra
    3. “I purify you with Fire!”
      1. As the fire burns off impurities, place the stone in the water and repeat your last mantra
    4. “I purify you with Water!”
      1. In your mind’s eye wash the stone clean with the water.
      2. Leave the stone in the water for 15 minutes
      3. Dry off your crystal and place it in your receptive hand
      4. Feel out your crystal and ensure the process has been beneficial, if not repeat as many times as needed until a change is noticed
  9. Store the crystal in a place sacred to you.  It is ready for use.

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