Cord Cutting Intro

Lately I have been seeing many references of how beautiful Lucifer was thought to be in the beginning.  He later had to be let go. I do not know many details of that story, but it reminds me of cutting cords.

Love and appreciation for others can happen from afar.  Love can reach from heaven to hell. We needn’t see each other or be in communication to share unconditional love.  They are not mandatory tasks. With or without contact, can we love.

Sometimes we go far down the road of speaking and seeing each other and sharing feelings and loving.  And sometimes we need to redirect ourselves and get off of that road. Maybe just for now, maybe forever, but the sooner the better.  This is when I turn to cutting cords.

Around this time last year my grandfather passed.  This was my first grandparent I’ve lost and the first funeral I’ve attended in my waking “adult” life.  He was on my maternal side, we were plagued with heavy emotions for some time. Within a month’s time after, my first waking “adult” relationship ended.  It added a strong, dense, negative pull or “hole” in my heart space area.

For a long time after,  I ignored the pain. Not ignored that I made myself numb to it (which I also did); I ignored reacting positively to it.  I accepted the consequences and held onto the pain. After some reflection, it was from the guilt I felt and would not easily release.  I knew where I needed to learn but was hesitant in getting into the knowledge and acting on it.

Cutting cords is my favorite way to let go of specific energy.  For the sake of explaining as best I can, I will use an example of a past friendship.

I had a friend I was close to who moved around too different areas of the city.  I would help the person move and visit often once they settled in, but we are no longer friends.   When I now pass through an area that the old friend once lived(there’s about 3-4) I’m reminded of them.  This currently brings more pain rather than peace. My mind is patterned to send love in thier direction, however, the heart lags. All this to share the crystals I’ve recently been carrying and working with.  Clear Quartz and Angel Aura Quartz I carry and sleep with daily, and selenite during meditations.

Clear Quartz – The Amp!  Amplifies how you are feeling and can project it onto others.  People who are familiar with your energy(friends,family, coworkers) may inquire about how you feel as it it more noticeable to them.  The radius in which people can “feel” you has expanded. When you are happy, it will make you more aware of positive things, and vice versa if you are down, so be cautious during anxious or depressive times.  Clear quartz is also good for amplifying the effects of other crystals and direction of energy flow during healing and meditation.

Angel Aura Quartz is a crystal I recieved at the end of a crystal introduction class.  I’ve been carrying it for almost two weeks. Between this one and the clear quartz I feel happy, which is a grand contrast to how I felt this time last year, and previous years due to seasonal depression.  It reminds me to share the love and the abundance that love exists in. Angel Aura quartz helps with sorting out inner thoughts and feelings. Understand why your reality reacts before it happens. It may be early enough to make changes, create your own reality.  Another healing property of Angel Aura Quartz is in allowing it to connect to your higher self, there will be positive shifts in relationships and exposure to different environments. This is to allow you connect or deepen the connection with your family, friends, others, or even yourself.

Selenite, I usually only use when things are super rough on the inside.  Selenite does help with resetting or taking a spiritual bath. Because it exists on a high vibration, it does not require cleansing or charging.  Alternatively, selenite can cleanse nearby crystals, your being/chakras, and your environment. Take a piece of Selenite, start at your feet and slowly rise up, releasing all that does not serve you.  Remember it will brittle away when wet or placed in water, keep selenite dry!

A Selenite wand.

Once I began actively cutting the cord with my old friends, I observed subtle physical changes in my reality that helped.  The text alert sound reminded me of the sound I had set for my old friend. I go in to change the alert noise and also come across a custom sound I also created for them, that I then deleted.  I noticed that once I set the intent to cut the cords and let go and really push my energy into that direction, things did change, inside and out. This is also to say when one is cutting cords, take the right steps in this reality as well as spiritually.  It would be hard to cut a cord that is still have a great deal of energy being transferred between. 

Cords can be as thick at dental floss(which is still pretty strong) or as thick as a tree trunk).  Consider this excerpt on tree trunks and how it can relate to thinking a cord is cut:

“Without leaves, the cut tree cannot produce food for the growth of its roots. However, the roots might have enough nutrients left to allow the growth of sprouts from the roots or from the leftover stump. If a sprout develops enough leaves, it can eventually grow back into a tree.” Source.

This was longer than I expected so I will place the meditation in another post.