Crown Chakra Introduction

Of the 7 basic chakras, the Crown chakra is the seventh. It is the third spiritual chakra and the last chakra of the basic seven.  When beginning the process of opening the chakras, the crown chakra is after the third eye chakra (6th).

Below is basic information on the crown eye chakra.

Sanskrit name: Sahasrara

Color: Violet or White

Location: Top of head

Keywords: spirituality, consciousness, divinity, purity, awareness, faith, inspiration

Planet: Jupiter

Element: Divine Consciousness

Mantra: OM (pronounced ohm)

Affirmations: “I know…”

Crystals: clear quartz, lemurian seed, selenite, anandalite, super seven, amethyst, sugilite, herkimer diamond, moonstone, kunzite, apophyllite, labradorite, phenacite

Oils/Herbs: frankincense, peppermint, palo santo, pink lotus, spikenard, st. john’s wort, sandalwood, lotus, lavender

Tarot Card: The Hermit

Yoga Poses: headstands, meditation

Physical Body Parts: muscular system, skeletal system, skin, cerebral cortex, central nervous system

Physical: death

Mental: divine consciousness

Emotional: devotion

Spiritual: conscious alignment

Related To:  source of physical and spiritual healing; connection to God, source, creator, divinity; death of the body; inner wisdom; access to higher self; communication to spirit guides

When In Harmony: live according to unity consciousness, understand we reflect the divine, ability to elevate consciousness 

Blocked by: earthly attachments, holding anger towards God, greed, lack of direction in life

Imbalance: devoid of connection to source, difficulty trusting our path, 

Overactive:  feel depressed or alone, sensitivity to light or sound, confusion, apathy, alienation, addiction to spirituality

To Open: practice gratitude, practice disciplined meditation, experience the sounds of nature and the universe in silence, focus and write down dreams,  put energy into inventions and creations

Life Lesson: “To experience the divine meaning of life.”

The Crown chakra is about our connection to our higher self, our faith in divine consciousness and our ability to elevate our consciousness at will.  When you can see the connection we all have to each other and different parts of ourselves in others, this chakra is open and ready for use.  When we work with our crown chakra to develop the spirit it encourages the positive evolution of the collective.