Crystal Introduction

Crystals are used everyday, in everyone’s life.  At the moment that your are reading this, you are using a crystal. Nice job, you’re already off to a great start!

Crystals are fossilized water.  When water combines with an element under a certain temperature, energy, and applied pressure, crystals are formed.  Earth depends on the continuous existence of quartz vibrations. Within the crust of the earth, strategically placed, massive clusters of crystals exist, which is how and where most of them naturally form.  They exist in perfect harmony with the Earth.

The structure of crystals allows them to absorb, amplify, store and transmit electromagnetic energy.  Visible light(sunlight, neon lights), radio waves, microwaves, gamma rays(used in medicine to kill cancerous cells) are some examples of electromagnetic energy. This stored energy can later be tapped into for healing and energizing.

Crystals are used in microphones, loudspeakers, and various other forms of audio and video equipment.  Small pieces of quartz are also used to save large amounts of data into the memory of a computer. Crystals in computers also transmit information within the device.  The vibrations of crystals allow them to determine the time in watches and clocks with stunning accuracy. Quartz crystals in lasers can inform the user the distance between two objects, help with eye surgery, and burn through walls as thick as steel.

Crystals affect mental, emotional, and physical energy.  All changes in any of these forms of energy due to crystals can be drastic.  Due to our non static states between balance and imbalance, crystals can lend a hand to staying on the right side. Based on the specific structure and color, each crystal has a unique and powerful healing energy.  Here is a basic info graphic on crystal colors and their healing powers.

When I first got into learning about crystals I liked receiving information on them from Spirit Science.  Here a link to a basic introduction on all the effects of crystals:

If you’re completely new to crystals, we recommend starting off the “LOVE” set.  This set includes a Rose Quartz and an Emerald. If two crystals seem overwhelming, give one to a friend, lover, or teacher.  You can even leave the Rose Quartz in your car, as a reminder to give love when driving on the road. You can place a Rose Quartz crystal on your desk at work allow it to fill your environment with loving vibrations.  Meditation is not for everyone, but if you partake, try doing it with a crystal and notice any differences.

We have a previous blog post with steps on how to meditate with a newly received crystal.  Check it out!

Extra Sauce:

And a few books you can find online by googling:

The Magical Power of Gemstones and Crystals  An Online Psychic Course by Tana Hoy (Complete Course Book

Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham