Crystals for Love (and Affirmations)

Happy Taurus season!  The sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus.  Venus is the planet of beauty, harmony, and love. We love love.  Here are some crystals to help deal with and make it through different aspects of love in our life.  A few love affirmations are included at the bottom as well, get creative and make up a couple of your own!

First, let’s get into the heart chakra, The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and it is the bridge between the physical(root, sacral, solar plexus chakra) chakras and the spiritual(throat, third eye, crown chakra) chakras. The heart chakra is green and it is located at the center of the chest.  It’s element is air and it’s affirmation is “I Love.” Love and compassion are easily expressed when the heart chakra is balanced.  It is simple to create joy and stay at peace when this chakra is in harmony.  

Heart chakra balanced keywords: love, self-care, forgiveness, compassion, joy, peace. harmony

Now, let’s discover some reasons our hearts may be heavy and need healing.  When it is difficult to show or receive love or compassion, the heart chakra is not in harmony.  This could stem from being out of touch with who we are and making us feel undeserving of love.

Heart chakra unbalanced keywords: grief, self-centeredness, loneliness, resentment, hatred, repressed heartache

Aventurine, Green

Green Aventurine will bring understanding to past and current love.  Find where there is trouble in your heart and use this crystal to heal it.  Learn to forgive yourself, and others, to make more room for more love.  Release pain and leave behind hardships with the help of Green Aventurine.  The Green of the crystal can also bring about luck and wealth, especially when it comes to love.

Place Green Aventurine on your skin, at the heart chakra during a reflective meditation and open the heart to love.

Green Aventurine Keywords: love, healing, luck, wealth

Emerald is a crystal for love and healing the heart space, especially when related to imbalances in relationships.  This green healing crystal can be shared from one lover to the other to ease tension between them.  Light a green candle, visualize exactly what you wish to be true and hold an emerald crystal to draw love into your life.  Expand your romantic senses.  See yourself in everything and everyone through love.  Emerald also attracts wealth in your life.

Meditate with an emerald crystal; program it, use visualization, or place on the heart to heal and manifest.

Emerald Quartz Keywords: love, ease tension, wealth, manifest love, romance, relationship


Rhodonite can restore a joyous feeling of love within, to help put it in our creativity, without.  The energy of love will be improved in our environment. Ignite love and find happiness through new activities and passionate creativity.  Use Rhodonite on your heart chakra.

Place it on your heart chakra and experience the abundant existence of love.

Rhodonite Key Words: love, joy, happiness, passionate creativity

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the crystal for unconditional love-the foundation.  Understand where friction has been created due to a lack of love. Refill with self love and allow yourself to freely love others.

Place it on your heart chakra and let love to flow into your being.

Rose Quartz Keywords: unconditional love, peace, healing, resolutions

These are just 4 of the various numbers of crystals to heal the heart space.  A few more crystals for love include: green calcite, pink tourmaline, green opal, peridot

These can be used in a stand alone grid, created with intent and projected for some time.  They can be used individually, either in jewelry or carried in the pocket, remember to program each one accordingly.  They can be used on the heart chakra during meditation or a healing session.  Try placing a grid directly on the skin where necessary.

Affirmations are words or sentences used to aid in meditation, healing, or simply to find balance.  They can be said before meditation, after meditation, during meditation, during prayer, before bed, after waking up, when feeling up, when feeling down, when bracing and energetic shifts etc.  There is no right or wrong time to do so, use your intuition and add loving intention.  Here are a few I like to use.  My favorite is “I love you” even if you is just me.

Affirmations for Love

  • I love
  • I give and receive love freely
  • I love myself and others unconditionally
  • I have peace at the foundation of my being
  • My heart is full of pure love
  • Love exists in infinite abundance
  • I accept myself as I am