Crystals for Summer Solstice 2022

The Summer Solstice

The Solstice is when one of the Earth’s polars are closest to the Sun. It is the day when the Sun spends the most time in the sky.

This is a rare energy and there are ways to tap into and take advantage of it through healing and manifestation.

We pulled 3 crystal tarot cards, talked about their meanings and share advice.

Green Tourmaline or Verdelite and Six of Wands

Green Tourmaline

  • manifest desires
  • emanate prana for all living things
  • embrace spirituality
  • achieve inner peace via centering the heart
  • harmonize energy field
  • provides balance and stability to heart space area
  • enhance gardens and house plants

Six Of Wands

  • success, victory, achieving goals
  • public recognition
  • manifest
  • harness inner strengths well
  • mind egotistical behavior

Watermelon Tourmaline and The World

Watermelon Tourmaline

  • calm worry and fear
  • radiate joy , tune to it’s natural frequency joy
  • stimulate the true self through the higher self
  • works with physical spiritual and emotional components of hearts
  • “happiness is the natural condition of being”
  • element: water
  • supports the heart

The World

  • last in major arcana, completion card
  • balance the inner and outer worlds
  • balance higher and lower selves
  • one with yourself and the world
  • internal resources(happiness, peace, joy)
  • fulfillment, achievement, completion

Lapis Lazuli and The Hermit

Lapis Lazuli

  • throat chakra, communication
  • inner vision, higher awareness
  • telling your truth
  • element: wind
  • find karmic roots of illness
  • enhance telepathy and intellectual ability
  • gain control of emotional states
  • tap into past life memories

The Hermit

  • seeker of knowledge
  • come from within
  • call for solitude

Charge your crystals in the sun/moon.

Tune into yourself and practice that which makes you feel whole.

Set time aside where you intentionally plan to be alone and reflect.

When you reflect or meditate sit with your crystals.

Write inner thoughts and feelings while holding Lapis Lazuli, or any blue crystals.

Heal your heart space, when energy flows through the heart it makes it easier to manifest.

Sit down in a meditative position and visualize any dense, negative, or distracting energy being released from your heart space, down through your root chakra to be neutralized by the Earth.

Lie down in a meditative position and imagine that which you are manifesting and place Green Tourmaline, Watermelon Tourmaline, or any green crystal directly on your heart.

This is all advice, feel free to improvise as you wish and remember to follow your intuition. Lapis Lazuli or any purple or indigo crystal will help with placing faith in your intuitive side.

Summer Solstice Affirmations

I am whole and complete on my own

I love myself unconditionally

I appreciate solitude

Peace comes from within

Love comes from within

Joy comes from within