Full Moon in Aquarius 08.12.22

Crystal Tarot Deck

Malissa and I pulled 3 card from the crystal tarot deck to better understand how to navigate the Full Moon in Aquarius energy on Friday, August 12, 2022

Eight of Swords – Celestite/Celestine/Coelstine

Eight of Swords

Air energy, Tumultuous. Feeling trapped, restricted, paralyzed or victimized but it’s only in your mental state. It feels like fate making it hard to get out of that energy. It may be your own doing or from the universe, seeming inescapable.


Remove stress from physical body. Relieve headaches and tension. Calm emotional body. Crown, Third Eye, Etheric Chakras. Tap into your intuitive abilities. Spirit guides, higher selves, future selves. Meditate with on top of head, on forehead/third eye, or throat. Place by window sill to capture the energy of the full moon. Place in a cup of water. Set intentions in water and place by window sill on night of Full moon. Drink water after next sunrise and before sunset.

The Empress – Emerald

The Empress

Card about birth, fertility, maternal care, feminity. This card is correlated to the zodiac sign Taurus, which is ruled by Venus. Emerald is also ruled by Venus. It doesn’t necessarily mean pregnancy, more about creation. The birth of a brain child. Loving creation.


Manifest love in all of it’s forms. This crystal also helps ease tension, especially emotional tension. Heal the heart chakra. Tap into your romantic side.

Conflict Reduction Exercise:

Reduce conflict between a loved one by sitting with the Emerald and placing loving thoughts and feelings into it. Relate it to the conflict at hand, as needed. Give the Emerald crystal to your loved one and ask them to kindly return it when they feel the desire or are ready to resolve the issues.

Manifestation Meditation

Manifest wealth and money. Light a green candle. Visualize what you want. Hold the Emerald at your heart to draw in your wants.

Ten of Swords – Smoky Quartz

Ten of Swords

The whole swords suit is rather bonkers, energetically.

rumination, failure, bitterness collapse, dead end. It’s going bad, fast, and hard. A crazy, disastrous force will hit your life in a tragic way. Ten is the culmination of things, being in tumultuous swords, it can represent a form of ego death. The morbid energy is more intense than the actual Death card. This hardships are caused by your mentality.

Smoky Quartz

Root chakra. Earth element. Smoky Quartz can be very grounding for us during this Full moon in Aquarius. Use it for eases depression and anxiety. Use for protection from negative energies in your environment, especially at work. Use it to help make wise financial decisions. Transmute negative energy. Get organized, and manifest desires.

Wrap Up?

We don’t feel we are at a point to fully wrap up this reading. We’ll pull two more cards after this.

8 of Swords and 10 of Swords say your mentality is bringing you down without your awareness. Too much energy into thoughts and playing the victim. You have the energy to birth something beautiful.

+2 Cards For Clarity

King of Swords – Gold

King of Swords

Energy similar to The Emperor. Stick to absolute truth. Stay objective when your perception may be weary. Focus on what is based in this reality that can be tangibly managed. Use your intellect to pull your mind out of dwelling. Be sharp and observant and clear on what you want. Be logical.


Gold is a metal and this is my first time looking into it’s healing properties. It is ruled by the Sun(It’s Leo Season) and the element is Fire. Good for power, healing protection, wisdom, success. Gold was used for: fashioning sacred images, decorating altars, high deity offerings,. Most magically potent of all metals as it enhances the magicians ability to manipulate energy. Place a gold chain around a white candle for protection.

Strength – Onyx


Mental strength to take back control of your mind. Pull yourself out of the uncontrollable emotional muck to reach the Empress Energy. Have persistent courage, bravery, and confidence. Have inner strength and fortitude during stressful moments to push through and move forward. Big struggles can be handled.


Onyx are a form of chalcedony. Inner Strength, Endurance. Willpower. Root, solar plexus, third eye chakras. Aids in recovering strength and vitality after illness. Power through difficult or dreary tasks. Maintain mental focus. Get grounded in this reality

Sidebar: White Onyx

Purification, balance mind and body, goal-orientated. Works with root and crown chakras.

Wrap Up!

It will be quite rocky and shaky. Don’t only respond with dramatics. Take real steps to reach a state of peace, using your mental gymnastics and inner strength. Be dramatic but also be active on any issues.