Full Moon in Libra 03-28-21

Peace family,

We have a full moon in Libra coming up on Sunday March 28, 2021.  In this blog i’ll recommend a few activities you can do(with and without crystals) to take advantage of the energy the moon is bringing in.

Libra is the 7th zodiac sign.  It’s opposite the first sign, Aries, which is where the sun will be during this Full Moon.  

One thing to mention is to try to treat your energy like a currency, just like money in your bank.  Be aware that when you hang out, or even speak to some people there is an exchange of energy.  Are you giving away more of your energetic currency than you receive?  This could lead to you being drained, or clogging your intuition.  Hang out with those who increase your energetic currency, or that you share and exchange with in an equal or similar value.  Try using a crystal like Ametrine to help determine if a person or situation is truly worthy of your energy, find your own power, overcome fears and tune into your inner guidance and divine inspiration.  Selenite is a crystal that can be passed between lovers for reconciliation.

When the moon is full it is an optimal time to assess your progress and deal with any fallouts.  Amethyst is a crystal that promotes peace and a still mind.  It will also help remove bad habits from your energy field, allowing new habits to be created. 

Major events also tend to take place during a full moon.  This one being in Libra, use that charming energy to lay down any plans that involve your communication skills.  Show yourself off by tuning up your resume, taking an interview during this time, or creating content that revolves around yourself.  Take action and put yourself out there for any opportunity you have been wanting to act on.

Libra is a sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, romance, and money.  Have a fashion show with some friends, or even just yourself!  Do a photoshoot, try just using the camera on your mobile device.  Share a compliment to yourself, with a loved one, or even a stranger, if you feel it in the moment.  Graciously express your love.  A few crystals to help with this that are also ruled by Venus include: Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, Emerald, or Sodalite (scroll down for more information on these crystals)


Chakras: Heart

Emerald Quartz Keywords: love, ease tension, wealth, manifest love, romance, relationship

Emerald is a crystal for love and healing the heart space, especially when related to imbalances in relationships.  This green healing crystal can be shared from one lover to the other to ease tension between them.  Light a green candle, visualize exactly what you wish to be true and hold an emerald crystal to draw love into your life.  Expand your romantic senses.  See yourself in everything and everyone through love.  Emerald also attracts wealth in your life.

Meditate with an emerald crystal; program it, use visualization, or place on the heart to heal and manifest.

Lapis Lazuli

Chakras: Heart, Throat

Lapis Lazuli keywords: creativity, love, expression, communication, healing, soothing

Lapis Lazuli is a grand crystal for a creative, loving, expression.  Learn how to express deep feelings within, whether it be creatively or through loving communication.  Provide protection for youth.  Improve the condition of our mental, spiritual, psychic and emotional states.

Place on the throat chakra to clear any blockages, and the heart chakras to bring love to yourself.

Rose Quartz

Chakras: Heart

Rose Quartz Keywords: unconditional love, peace, healing, resolutions, forgiveness

Rose Quartz is the crystal for unconditional love-the foundation.  Understand where friction has been created due to a lack of love. Refill with self love and allow yourself to freely love others. Watch as harmonic frequencies fill your environment.

Place it on your heart chakra and let love to flow into your being.


Chakras: Throat, Third Eye

Sodalite Keywords: insight, emotional healing, creativity, mental stimulation, calming, communication

Sodalite helps with communication, creativity, and understanding one’s emotions.  It brings healings on the emotional level as it provides valuable insight and can calm the mind.  Rub this crystal directly on your skin to remove fear and free yourself from guilt.  

Meditate with Sodalite to improve wisdom and gain a pure form of insight.

Honorable mentions: Ametrine(decisiveness), Rhodonite(passion, love), Angel Aura Quartz(joy)