Full Moon in Pisces 09.10.22

Crystal Tarot Deck

Malissa, Rin, and I pulled 3 card from the crystal tarot deck to better understand how to navigate the Full Moon in Pisces energy on Saturday, September 12, 2022.

The Fool – Silex

The Fool

The Fool is the first card in the Tarot deck. Lots of potential to get a healthy start on your new journey. You made need courage to take a risk. The innocent energy around you will work in your favor.

The fooled is ruled by Aries, since it is the first sign in Astrology.


The picture of Silex on the tarot card looks like it could be a jasper or a tumbled agate. It is a quartz composed of different types of stones.

Ruled by Taurus and Virgo. Good for the root chakra.

Two of Wands- Selenite (REVERSED)

Two of Wands – Reversed

Wands is fire energy. Two in reverse could indicate your plans may be slightly inaccurate. It’s time to go back to the drawing board. You could be over confident and plans require more grounding in reality.

Selenite – Reversed?

Selenite a.k.a. the “Lint Roller for the Spirit.” Selenite is ruled by the Moon, making it one of the best crystals to use for moon spells and rituals. Place it by the window sill to charge the energy of it.

The reverse position may mean that your energy is cleansed to the state that it wants you to go out and try some things to get it a little dirty. This still means you have to maintain your discipline to upkeep your inner energy to an adequate level. Plan to keep your energy clean and take action on it as you need.

Aura Cleansing Exercise:

Start at your feet and hold a selenite crystal or wand in your dominant hand. Point the crystal at your body as best you can. Slowly start to bring the wand to the top of your head, cleansing as it moves through each chakra. Once you reach the top of your head send the crystal slowly back down the back of your body.

Visualize a white lite

Ace of Swords – Clear Quartz (REVERSED)

Ace of Swords (REVERSED)

The Ace of Swords is the first card of the Swords suit. Clear your mind from old clutter so you can get a healthy start on your path. It is ruled by the Air element. There is new energy with a lot of potential that requires your next steps to be planned and ordered.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is ruled by the Sun and the Moon. Connected to the crown chakra.

Clear Quartz is the best for beginners, and also helpful for advanced users of crystals.  It is easy to program and effectively use.  Learn to direct energy, due to many Clear Quartz having natural points.  A promising healing property of Clear Quartz is that it will amplify the healing effects of other crystals that are nearby.  Grab a clear quartz when you are feeling well and balanced, as it also amplifies your energy field, thoughts, and emotions.  It can be used to clear and balance any and all chakras.


Wrap Up!

Cleanse your energy with intention to set future plans and goals. Remove any external sources that may be draining of your internal resources. Set firm boundaries that maintain a high level of energy within yourself. Be aware of any repetitive patterns due to stagnant and stale energy in your energy field and aura.