Full Supermoon in Scorpio

Full Supermoon In Scorpio Tips and Tricks

The moon reaches a point of fullness around once a month.  The past two full moons have been in signs(Libra Sun with Jupiter and Venus in Virgo) that are relative to my birth chart.  This full moon is in Scorpio in which I have a stellium(Rising, Mars, Mercury and Pluto), so I thought it would be righteous to add a blog post along with the usual instagram “full moon” post.  This moon is a supermoon because the moon is full when it’s orbit is closest to the sun.

Full moon is a time to reflect, and adjust; pay attention to rampant emotional energy, especially in an intense sign like Scorpio.  It’s a good time to know what you are shedding and place energy on that which you wish to manifest.  Be cautious, flow with a loving intent.

Scorpio is an intuitively passionate sign.  This sign is ruled by the planet of Pluto, representing transformation, power, and obsession.  It is of the 8th house which rules sex, death and regeneration.  Scorpios can be caring and go the extra mile to finish a task.  Or they can experience emotional outbursts and come off as a controlling person.

In summation, there are so many things we cannot control in our reality and in this world.  When time is taken to reflect, we notice there are many other things that we can control.  Control what you can: actions, reactions, thoughts, words, plan for the future. And let the rest simply be.  Use the passion and intensity of this sign towards goals that might have been pushed to the side or sometimes forgotten about, then later remembered.  Do things with a heart full of loving intention.  Know the difference between being right and being righteous and come to understand which is required in various situations.  

Let’s also do a simple 3 tarot card spread from our handy crystal deck and add this to our summary of Full Moon in Scorpio for Thursday May 07, 2020. 

  1. The Chariot and Sugilite
    1. The Chariot is a card informing us that by applying our will and determination, our goal can be reached.  Build confidence in who and why you are and understand that you are worthy of that which you desire.  This card can also stand for self control – a big Scorpio challenge – when looking to achieve victory.  
    2. Sugilite keywords include dreams, protection, and purification.  This crystal can clear the emotional field, good for Full Moons (especially in Scorpio) when our actions tend to have a heavier influence on ourselves and others.  It can ground you, remove negative influences, and release negative attachments.  We want to make more room for manifestations during this time and allow our sacred energy to only be applied to that which serves our highest self.
  2. Queen of Cups and Gem Silica
    1. Personally, Queen of Cups has been appearing often in my tarot readings.  This card in the cups suit which represents water, the element of the Scorpio sign.  The Queen is about bringing the focus to the inner of our being.This card is about showing emotions and letting them be expressed as best they can be.  Tune into the feminine aspects of self and gently allow the intuition to guide.
    2. Gem Silica keywords include: communication, joy, peace clairvoyance.  It is also represented by water and can provide healing on an emotional level.  Gem Silica can bring one into the spiritual realm and lighten the heart through the release of that which does not serve you.
  3. Ace of Wands and Fire Opal
    1. Ace is the first card which represents the start of something.  The seed is about to burst through the soil.  Wands is of the fire element, about action and magic.  Embrace for the manifestation of this “seed” in any area of life.  Take time now to decide which aspect of life could use this boost of energy and prepare to apply.  Get creative and keep your mind open.
    2. Fire opal keywords include passion – tying into Scorpion energy and creativity – related to the Ace of Wands.  This crystal is also good to heal the sacral chakra.  This is where much of our sexual energy lives and can be healed.  This full moon is a good time to gain control of that energy, or enjoy passionate love making, or simply heal that chakra and any traumas lying within.

Some crystals we recommend to use/meditate with during this time include:


Labradorite works well with balancing any chakra and amplifies healing energy in each one.  This crystal can help understand the synchronizations, and deja vu’s in life.  Awaken your  intuitive abilities to preconceive and help place a positive perspective on these “weird” events.  Gain control of how often you need them to affirm your spirit, intuition, and reality.  Tune up, then more into your psychic abilities, this crystal increases the flow of intuitive messages.  Travel through the inner realm with ease when meditating with Labradorite.

Use on the crown to smoothly communicate with your highest self.  Use on the third eye to tune the intuition.

Labradorite Keywords: intuition, synchronizations, positivity, higher self, all chakras


Fluorite can balance any of the chakras and promote clarity.  Fluorite color ranges from clear, to black to light green, to yellow to dark purple.  Some are one color and others contain a range of various colors.  Match the color of the crystal to the corresponding chakra to encourage a balanced flow of energy and healing in that area.  Fluorite can be used to reduce emotions when needing to make an important decision or discernment.  Align your being with your clear, concise, and conscious thoughts.

Meditate with a fluorite crystal on the third eye to reduce confusion and increase mental clarity.

Fluorite Keywords: balance, decision making, all chakras, clarity, mental powers, thoughts

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the crystal for unconditional love-the foundation.  Understand where friction has been created due to a lack of love. Refill with self love and allow yourself to freely love others.

Place it on your heart chakra and let love to flow into your being.

Rose Quartz Keywords: unconditional love, peace, healing, resolutions

And a few honorable mentions: blue lace agate, amethyst, topaz

Thank you for taking the time to read this post!  I do hope you scroll away having expanded on a thought or two in a positive direction.  Remember to follow us on instagram and give us a like on facebook! With joy – Jill