Heart Chakra Introduction

Of the 7 basic chakras, the Heart chakra is the fourth. When beginning the process of opening the chakras, the heart chakra is after the solar plexus(3rd) and before the throat chakra (5th).

Below is basic information on the heart chakra.

Sanskrit name: Anahata

Color: Green

Location: Center of Chest

Keywords: unconditional love, compassion, joy, affection, heal, hope, trust 

Planet: Venus

Element: Air

Mantra: YAM (pronounced yang)

Affirmations: “I love…”

Crystals: rose quartz, rhodonite, emerald, jade, peridot, green tourmaline, green kyanite, pink kunzite, ruby, rhodochrosite, chrysoprase, mangano calcite, malachite

Oils/Herbs: rose, geranium, neroli, lavender, melissa, ylang ylang, jasmine, marjoram, lamarosa, parsley, thyme

Tarot Card: The Lovers

Rune: Ingwaz, Kenaz

Goddess: Ishtar, Aine, Hera, Quan Yin

Yoga Poses: Camel Pose, Seated Spinal Twist, Eagle Pose

Physical Body Parts:  heart, pericardium, circulatory system, lungs, shoulders, arms, ribs, breasts, diaphragm, thymus

Physical: circulation

Mental: passion

Emotional: unconditional love

Spiritual: devotion

Related To: the ability to love oneself, the ability to receive love, connection and compassion for all creatures and the planet across space and time, forgiveness

When In Harmony: easily cultivate joy, compassion for self and others, self-acceptance, genuinely give and receive unconditional love

Blocked by: repressed heartache or grief, fear of intimacy or relationships, unresolved pain

Imbalance: heart/breathing issues, antisocial, judgmental, withdrawn, depression

Overactive: manipulative, easily jealous

To Open: practice forgiving yourself and others, open the heart to genuine love and true joy, drink rosebud tea, gift yourself roses, reach out to others, go hiking, plan  romantic date, spend quality time with loved ones, hug it out

Life Lesson: “To experience compassion and connection with oneself and others.”

The Heart Chakra is the bridge that connects the physical and spiritual aspects of ourselves.