Mercury Retrograde in Taurus April 21 – May 14, 2023

Crystal Tarot Deck

Four cards fell from the crystal tarot deck when I what to expect for the Mercury Retrograde in Taurus.

Mercury Retrograde is a time to reflect, remember why you made past decisions, reflect on old relationships in a healthy manner and control our reactions. It may be easier to over react or have an emotional outburst instead of remaining calm and being able to think and communicate clearly.

For the tarot card information I’ll be using my own knowledge and referring to the Labyrinthos app.

The cards pulled are:

The Star – Moldavite

Nine of Swords – Fluorite

Two of Wands – Selenite

Two of Cups – Dumortierite

At first glance the crystals are preparing us for a loving new journey. I do not have personal experience with Moldavite, but I know it stimulates love in the heart chakra and can be an extremely transformative crystal for one’s path. Fluorite can be use on any chakra, depending on it’s color. It helps clear emotional energy from the mental space to help with making important decisions. Selenite can be used on the crown chakra and is used to cleanse the energy within us, other crystals, and our environments. I’m not familiar with Dumortierite but I would predict it also involves some transformation and expressing inner feelings to help push us down out paths.

Keep scrolling for explanations down below.

The Star- Moldavite

The Star

The Star Keywords: hope, faith, rejuvenation

The star reminds us that after the fall of the Tower now is the time to gain a positive mindset and rebuild. With trust in faith in oneself and the universe aligning things shall fall accurately into place, as desired and planned. Wishing upon a shooting star, that you only see when you look within.


Moldavite Chakras: Heart, Third Eye

Moldavite Keywords: transformation, chakra activation, cleansing

It has been alleged that simply holding a moldavite in the receiving hand, or even daring to place it on the third eye, will instantly encourage a deep spiritual transformation. Place it on the heart or in the center of the chest to immediately open yourself up to love.

The Nine of Swords – Fluorite

Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords Keywords: anxiety, hopelessness, nightmares

Nine of Swords is in regards to feeling trapped within oneself. The lack of making a decision is allowing you to spiral inwardly without control. You may be so focused on the weight of making said decision that it welcomes other disharmonies into your reality.


Fluorite Chakras: All, Third Eye, Crown, Heart

Fluorite Keywords: mental clarity, decision making, self-discipline

Fluorite flushes the mental field with cleansing energy to allow you to use it to the best of its ability. Fluorite is especially useful when you need to make a decision. The mercury retrograde tends to heighten emotions and intensify reactions so wear or carry a fluorite when approaching sensitive situations or spaces.

Two of Wands – Selenite

Two of Wands

Two of Wands Keywords: planing, discovery, creating goals

Two of wands places us in a position to manifest our plans. Put your inner workings on display as you continue to plan and progress. Your will is your way.


Selenite Chakras: Crown, Third Eye

Selenite Keywords: cleanser, spiritual activation, higher self

Once selenite has calmly taken the time to refresh your spirit, it will help with the activation of it.

To use Selenite start at the foot of yourself or someone and slowly raise it up through and around it chakra. Allow energy to flow freely through the body from your first to the seventh chakra. You may also imagine a white light being emitted as a ray from the crystal as it shines onto each part of the body to cleanse it.

Two of Cups – Dumortierite

Two of Cups

Two of Cups Keywords: unity, partnership, two become one

This union-ship that Two of Cups represents could be your physical and spiritual self. Let one fully trust the other and vice versa. The card refers to the opposite forces learning to work together for the greater good.


Dumortierite Chakras: Third Eye

Dumortierite Keywords: inner wisdom, self-discipline, psychic ability

Dumortierite helps with emotional intelligence and insight through intuition. It’s dark-blue to indigo color makes it a very helpful crystal when working with the third eye or looking for mental guidance. It can also help with discipline, picking up whatever new habits you decide.

Place a dumortierite crystal on the third eye when imagining future plans and activities you wish to run smoothly or gain insight on. When learning or studying keep one on your person or nearby as it increases mental capacity and the ability to retain information.

Wrap Up

  • cleanse your inner space
  • use your mind as a tool; don’t let your mind use you as a tool
  • commit to self-discipline
  • spend time learning yourself;
    • learn how you think, learn how you learn, learn how to listen to your inner voice, learn to express yourself
  • plan and make decisions with confidence
    • commit to plans, but allow for compromises when necessary

An inner, possibly spiritual transformation is upon us. It’s important to reflect and be able to make the right decisions pertaining to our path when our energy(spiritual, emotional, mental) bodies are cleansed of any clutter or dense energy. All crystals pulled have a keen ability to gain insight and use our third eye to our spiritual advantage.

When we are able to control and use our emotional and intuitive energy wisely, we have the opportunity to advance down our spiritual path. Pulling two 2’s also confirms that because it is the second card in the suits; we have begun the journey and are at a critical point where placing the energy correctly now benefits us greatly later. Knowing how to react to things based on the energy we wish to sacrifice to it helps us budget that energy knowing our spiritual goals. Take time to gain inner wisdom and find practical ways to apply it to your daily life, especially until the mercury retrograde ends on Sunday May 14, 2023.