Root Chakra Introduction

The chakras are energetic wheels that exist within our being.  This is where a lot of disease and disharmony are created.  Becoming aware of what each chakra governs, its location, color and more can bring us back into alignment.  When the chakras are balanced and energy can flow freely through them we are able to manifest, create, express, and more with ease.  Read more introductory information on them in our previous post.  We’re going to begin the journey of sharing information on each of the seven basic chakras.

Of the seven basic chakras, the Root chakra is the first. When beginning the process of opening the chakras, the root chakra is the ideal starting place.  Intermediate level texts/resources may start with the Earth Star Chakra and end with the Soul Star chakra(9th).  We’re going to share information on the basic 7; root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown.  

Here’s information on the root chakra:

Sanskrit name: Muladhara

Color: Red

Location: Base Of Spine

Keywords: survival, being, family, tribe, courage

Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Mantra: LAM (pronounced lang)

Affirmations: “I am …”

Crystals:  Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, Red Jasper, Garnet, Fire Agate, Bloodstone, Onyx, Hematite, Carnelian

Oils/Herbs: Allspice, Cayenne, Dandelion, Nutmeg, Rosemary, Paprika, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Patchouli

Tarot Card: The World

Yoga Poses: Warrior I & II, Tree Pose, Chair Pose, Standing Forward Bend, Supported Child’s Pose

Physical Body Parts:  base of spine, legs, bones, feet, rectum, immune system, large intestine, teeth

Physical: sexuality

Mental: stability

Emotional: sensuality

Spiritual: security

Related To: courage, safety, manifestation, connection to physical Earth, survival instincts, pleasure/pain, sexuality

When in Harmony: feel safe, connected to nature, trust in natural laws, gain an understanding perspective, know all needs are met, healthy family relationships

Blocked by: fear(of being alive), guilt, hoarding, disorganization

Imbalance: fatigue, depression, financial instability, anxiety, restlessness, nervous, dizzy

Overactive: unable to make progress in life, feel stagnant in important relationships, sluggish, lazy

To Open: eat root vegetables, let your bare feet touch the Earth, spend time in nature, make pottery, do physical activity, get a massage

Life Lesson: “To feel safe and secure in the “physical plane,” to manifest our basic needs, and to cultivate healthy(physical) sexuality.

The Root Chakra is the primary point of balance between the Below and the Above.  When we take in energy from source, it first must pass through the root chakra.  Having a balanced, clear, and active root chakra allows energy to flow up to the other chakras as well.  When it is, you will move with confidence; feel safe, supported, and seen; manifest desires with ease.

Subscribe to be notified when information on the next chakra, sacral, will be explored.  Follow us on social media for more updates and reminders on keeping the chakras tuned!