Solar Plexus Introduction

    Of the 7 basic chakras, the Solar Plexus chakra is the third. When beginning the process of opening the chakras, the solar plexus chakra is after the sacral(2nd) and before the heart chakra(4th).

Below is basic information on the solar plexus chakra.

Sanskrit name: Manipura

Color: Yellow

Location: Two inches above navel

Keywords: self-esteem, sense of worth, confidence, instinct/gut feeling, initiative, respect, personal power, ego, humor, intellect

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Mantra: RAM (pronounced rang)

Affirmations: “I can…”

Crystals: citrine, yellow quartz, tiger’s eye, yellow tourmaline, golden calcite, pyrite, yellow fluorite, yellow aventurine, yellow jade, copal, rutilated quartz

Oils/Herbs: lemon, lavender, rosewood, rosemary, Roman chamomile, anise, celery, cumin, grapefruit, marshmallow, melissa, mint, tea tree, turmeric

Tarot Card: The Emperor

Rune: Thurisaz

Goddess: Ma’at, Sekhmet

Yoga Poses: Cat Pose, Cow Pose, Sun Salutation, Boat Pose, Half Boat Pose

Physical Body Parts:  abdomen, stomach, upper intestines, liver, gallbladder, spleen, middle spine

Physical: digestion

Mental: personal power

Emotional: expansiveness 

Spiritual: growth

Related To: metabolic and digestive systems; outer adrenal glands; self-esteem, reaction to criticism, self-concept of an individual, self-control, “gut-feeling”

When In Harmony: feel whole, calm and peaceful; centered in self, aware and in touch with inner strength; balance between physical and spiritual worlds

Blocked by: shame, lack of self-acceptance on various layers(personality, relationships, events), caring too much about what others think, poor self-discipline

Imbalance: memory loss, constipation, digestive problems

Overactive: overly aggressive manipulative, power hungry, excessively competitive

To Open: learn something new, practice physical exertion of energy, martial arts, exercise, let the sun kiss your skin, solve a puzzle, detox(cleanse gut), create and respect healthy energetic boundaries, step out of your comfort zone

Life Lesson: “To experience the depth of who we are with self-empowerment and self-esteem, to live our life task or soul’s life purpose.”

The Solar Plexus is the energetic center of the chakras.  Wear yellow and consume yellow foods when learning about and balancing this chakra.  Once opened one will feel more cheerful and be easily outgoing.  The strength of your personal power will help overcome new challenges and encourage wise risk-taking.