Sphere Scrying


Stone scrying is a common form of crystal magic you have probably seen in a T.V. show or movies.  Regardless of how dramatic or calm it was shown, it is a powerful way to gain intuitive knowledge, tune psychic abilities or to simply reflect on another time.

A formal definition of scrying: a method of divining or perceiving things beyond the range of the normal senses through the use of a tool such as a crystal, a crystal ball, water, fire, or coals.

Quartz crystals are more favoured when it comes to scrying.  Rectangular pieces of obsidian were popular in earlier times, along with beryl, in the shape of eggs, were used in Mexico.

Always remember to follow your intuition on how to tend to the needs of your crystal, from the moment you receive it until completion of a scrying session.

Here is a guide to using your sphere for scrying.  Follow loosely or closely. Remember to write what methods and techniques work best for you, so you can repeat the process as needed.

It is common for a sphere intended to be used in scrying to avoid any direct sunlight on its surface.  This may prevent the crystals ability it has to connect with one’s psychic mind, as your third eye is far more active in the dark.  Moonlight will alternatively purify the crystal, which should be done after washing, but before use. With this in mind, give your sphere a wash in natural running water, where you can.  Faucet water will do the trick as well. Dry off the crystal sphere and wrap it in a black, yellow or white cloth. This is to protect the crystal from any outside or unwarranted energy. Bring the wrapped crystal outside where possible, by a window will also suffice, just ensure the moon is out and visible from the window.  Unwrap the crystal with both hands, and hold it up to the moon. Use visualization to feel the cool moonlight raining down on you, then flood the crystal with it. Gather your energy and that of the crystal until they are on the same frequency. Visualize in your mind’s eye a successful scrying session with the sphere.

A few more tips:

-Scrying is best done at night

-Wear comfortable clothes 

-Choose a quiet place with minimal to no interruption

-Candlelight behind you, in front of the crystal, or behind the crystal may possibly increase focus

-Experiment to find what’s most helpful for your psychic development

– Can be done with a reflexive, non-spherical crystal (cat’s eye, moonstone, sunstone, tiger’s eye)

  1. Close eyes and deepen breath
  2. Allow your mind to be completely cleared and bring your body into a state of full relaxation
  3. Open your eyes
  4. Hold the crystal with both hands until it is warm.  The warmth the stone receives comes straight from your being
  5. Visualize your questions, thoughts, or theories
  6. Continue holding the crystal or place it on a stand
  7. Maintain the state of relaxation and simply gaze into the crystal (Note: Take a moment to understand the different between staring and gazing.  Blinking may help decrease the intensity of your eyes.)
  8. Hold positive affirmations of the crystal and your intent while continuing to gaze(i.e., “This crystal is a symbol of psychism, of Water, and of your need to divine the future)
  9. Upon a successful crystal scrying session your will be in touch with your psychic mind and increase the communication to your conscious awareness
  10. Few people will see clear, defined images inside the crystal.  Wisps of smoke may come into vision, swirling about within the sphere.  Most images and visions will appear in your mind, giving you the ability as the creator to place your own perspective on the situation.  You can write down what you see for more interpretation later.

Check out a few of the cool crystal spheres we currently have available.  There’s some in the shop.