Throat Chakra Introduction

Of the 7 basic chakras, the Throat chakra is the fifth. It is the first of the spiritual chakras.  When beginning the process of opening the chakras, the throat chakra is after the heart chakra (4th) and before the third eye chakra (6th).

Below is basic information on the throat chakra.

Sanskrit name: Vishuddha

Color: (Light) Blue

Location: Base of Throat

Keywords: communication, speech, listening, creative expression, truth, faith, understanding, growth, expansion

Planet: Mercury, (Jupiter)

Element: Sound

Mantra: HAM (pronounced hang)

Affirmations: “I speak…”

Crystals: sodalite, lapis lazuli, celestite, blue obsidian, angelite, turquoise, amazonite, blue kyanite, sapphire, aquamarine

Oils/Herbs: blue chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, lavender, hyssop, blackberry, geranium, lemongrass, peru balsam, bay laurel

Tarot Card: Justice, Judgement 

Yoga Poses: Warrior II, Camel Pose, Bridge Pose, Triangle Pose, Extended Side Angle, Shoulderstand, Plow Pose

Physical Body Parts:  neck, mouth, teeth, shoulders, arms, hands, thyroid

Physical: communication

Mental: thought

Emotional: independence

Spiritual: security

Related To:  growth through expression of thought, opinions, and beliefs; creative expression through speech, thoughts and writing; effective and honest communication; public speaking; ability to speak up; confidence in decision-making; taking responsibility for one’s own needs;

When In Harmony: active communication, expression of creativity, can easily speak in public, speaking your truth, strong will to live, listen to inner voice, balance between silence and speech

Blocked by: not speaking your truth; holding onto rage and anger; lies; self-denial, doubt

Imbalance: mood swings, fever, hormonal issues, thyroid problems, isolation

Overactive: speaking out of turn, over expressing self, seeking validation from others

To Open: sing , chant, read or hum loudly, drink tea(spearmint, mint), join a verbal discussion, write a thank you letter to someone

Life Lesson: “To speak and receive the truth.”

The Throat chakra is about using the voice for clear self-expression.  Let it encourage you to speak your truth, as it will keep your spirit tune and environment clear of clutter.  It is the first of the spiritual chakras and is related to finding and listening to your inner voice.