Using Crystals in Yoga

Crystals can be used everyday to help balance our spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies.  Crystals always affect the physical body but at a much slower rate.

If you are new to crystals it is wise to cleanse a crystal upon receiving it, then programming it to your energetic needs or setting an intention as you work with it.

I try to add crystals to my daily(meditation, stretching, journaling) activities or weekly activities(planning, specific exercises, personal or group classes).  If you are missing a crystal listed for a specific chakra you may also use a crystal of the same color as a substitute.  Remember even without a crystal, setting a firm intention before your yoga practice will lead to positive results!  Crystals are a tool but not a necessity for tuning our spirit.

These are what I do and a few suggestions, it is encouraged to try what feels best for yourself and listen to your intuition.


The Root chakra is red and located at the base of the spine. It is the first of the seven basic chakras.

Root Chakra Crystals: Black Tourmaline,  Garnet, Black Obsidian, Ruby, Red Jasper, Hematite

Tree Pose for the Root Chakra.

Root Chakra Yoga Poses: Warrior I & II, Tree Pose, Chair Pose, Standing Forward Bend, Supported Child’s Pose

Chair pose for the root chakra

or you can wear or hold your red or black crystal during your preferred activity:

  1. Organize your space
  2. Spend time with nature, ground yourself
  3. Physical exercise/activity


The Sacral chakra is orange and located in the pelvic region. It is the second of the seven basic chakras.

Child’s Pose for the Sacral Chakra.

Sacral Chakra Crystals: Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Chestnut Jasper, Peach Moonstone

Sacral Chakra Yoga Poses: Child’s Pose, Happy Baby Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Pigeon Pose

Downward Facing Dog Pose for the Sacral Chakra.

or you can wear or hold your orange crystal during your preferred activity:

  1. Hip sensitive dance practice.  For example belly dancing, salsa or twerking.
  2. Paint to express your emotions
  3. Watch emotional or exciting movies

Solar Plexus 

The Solar Plexus chakra is yellow and located at the navel. It is the third of the seven basic chakras.

Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals:  Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Yellow Calcite, Fire Agate

Half Boat Pose for the Solar Plexus chakra.

Solar Plexus Yoga Poses: Cat Pose, Cow Pose, Sun Salutation, Boat Pose, Half Boat Pose

Cat Pose for the Solar Plexus chakra.
Cow Pose for the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Cat pose and cow pose you may hear in conjunction with each other, as these poses are usually done back-to-back. Some refer to them both as “Cat-Cow Pose”

or you can wear or hold your yellow crystal during your preferred activity:

  1. Sun bath while wearing or holding healing crystal
  2. Practice solving a puzzle
  3. Encourage yourself to try something new!


The Heart chakra is yellow and located at the navel. It is the fourth of the seven basic chakras.

Heart Chakra Crystals:  Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Fuchsite, Rhodonite, Jade, Emerald, Opal, Malachite, Strawberry Quartz, Pink Tourmaline, Unakite Jasper

Camel Pose for the Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra Yoga Poses: Camel Pose, Seated Spinal Twist, Eagle Pose

Eagle Pose for the Heart Chakra.

or you can wear or hold your pink or green crystal during your preferred activity:

  1. Plan a romantic moment or date
  2. Go hiking in nature
  3. Check-in or spend quality time with loved ones


The Throat chakra is light blue and located at the base of the throat. It is the fifth of the seven basic chakras.

Throat Chakra Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Blue Calcite, Larimar, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Kyanite,  Angelite, Amazonite, Sapphire

Throat Chakra Yoga Poses: Warrior II, Camel Pose, Bridge Pose, Triangle Pose, Extended Side Angle, Shoulder-stand, Plow Pose

Triangle Pose for the Throat Chakra.

or you can wear or hold your blue crystal during your preferred activity:

  1. Speaking in front of others. It also helps to bring one to a performance, interview, or other public speaking events.
  2. Sing your favorite song or melody
  3. Write your own song, poem, rap or letter to yourself or someone near to you

Third Eye 

The Third Eye chakra is indigo and located between, and above the eyebrows. It is the third of the seven basic chakras.

Third Eye Chakra Crystals: Labradorite, Azurite, Rainbow Fluorite, Mystic Merlinite, Rainbow Moonstone, Lepidolite, Chalcopyrite

Third Eye Yoga Poses: try your practice with a blindfold. 

This may help hold the crystal directly on the third eye chakra

or you can wear or hold your indigo crystal during your preferred activity:

  1. Trust your intuitive notions especially if you normally ignore them
  2. Massage yourself with essential oils
  3. Go stargazing


The Crown chakra is white or purple and located at the top of the head. It is the last of the seven basic chakras.

Crown Chakra Crystals:  Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, White Howlite, Anandalite, Spirit Quartz, Angel Aura Quartz

Crown Chakra Yoga Poses: Headstand, Meditation

or you can wear or hold your white or purple crystal during your preferred activity:

  1. Show gratitude where it is due
  2. Focus on and write down your dreams
  3. Clean up your space

Wrap Up

Try one pose a day if you’re just starting out. It would be easier to do if it is done at the same time everyday. I try to do mine as soon as i wake up in the morning. If my day gets too busy i try to commit to my stretch right before getting into bed at tnight.

If you’re already disciplined and familiar with the practice of yoga, try flowing through all poses in one session. You can place your crystals at the bottom or top of your yoga mat.