Venus Retrograde May 13 – June 25

Venus will be in retrograde from May 13 to June 25.  Retrograde is when a planet shifts to a speed to slow within its orbit, it appears to be moving backwards from our perspective on Earth.  It will be in the sign of Gemini, as we gently ease our way into their season at the end of this month.

Venus is the planet of love, money, creativity, romance, beauty, talent, and harmony.  It rules two zodiac signs:  Taurus and Libra.

Although Venus is closer than Mercury is to Earth and has a longer retrograde period than Mercury, the effects of a Venus retrograde are subtle; It does not require as much cautious energy and gentle attention. Mercury retrogrades for 3 weeks around 3 times a year while Venus retrogrades for six weeks every 1.5 – 2 years. (but it does no go into retrograde as often as Mercury)

A few important reminders:

  • It will take extra energy to communicate effectively, especially in relationships where there is conflict
  • rethink/reassess harmony and energetic balances in relationships
  • do not get married’(only OK if both partners were born during a Venus retrograde)
  • do not make any major financial commitments
  • pay extra attention to detail, both major and minor
  • take as much time as needed to make decisions – more so when related to romance and finances

Recommended crystals: any for communication and/or love. Lapis lazuli, rose quartz, sodalite, fluorite, carnelian, emerald, citrine. 

Here’s a few of the brief crystal descriptions below:

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a grand crystal for a creative, loving, expression.  Learn how to express deep feelings within, whether it be creatively or through loving communication.


Carnelian can heal any of the three lower chakras: root, sacral, and solar plexus. It is one of those crystals that is self cleansing, so it rarely, if ever, needs to be smudged or soaked.  Bring confidence to your future plans and ground yourself into feeling complete. This crystal is a form of chalcedony and is ruled by the Sun, a reminder of the infinite healing power that can strengthen us daily.  Let it help bring fresh creative energy and a new enthusiasm into your life. This general health-inducing stone supports strength, vitality, and helps with detoxing.  Carnelian is a projective crystal that can be used to boost courage, and promote peace and harmony.  At your will, it can increase control of creative and sexual energy.

Emerald is a crystal for love and healing the heart space, especially when related to imbalances in relationships.  This green healing crystal can be shared from one lover to the other to ease tension between them.  Light a green candle, visualize exactly what you wish to be true and hold an emerald crystal to draw love into your life.  Expand your romantic senses.  See yourself in everything and everyone through love.  Emerald also attracts wealth in your life.

Although there is not much to worry about due to this retrograde, still wanted to pull a few tarot cards and share them below for practice:

The Devil:  This card symbolizes the “dark” side that we wish to disappear.  Good and bad exist as one as darkness is the absence of light.  The goal here is to find the balance within the dark and light.  Ignorance to what is true disconnects us from source and creates unhealthy habits from within.  Place your energy on what might be trying to hide in the dark and take the care and effort to add love to the situation.

Snowflake Obsidian:  Helps make the best of a bad situation.  It encourages the vibration of healing to flourish and increases psychic sensitivity.  Emphasize the positive faith you have in yourself.  More insights and strengthened connections to people on the other side, as well as messages being sent your way.

Five of Coins:  This card could be reminding us to be thankful for what we have now and to use our resources wisely.  Five or coins has the energy of lack – to be without.  It is not only financial, although Venus does involve money.  It could also be asking us to be more aware of the challenges mentioned in the previous card(bad habits, unhealthy eating, disregarding intuition).  That which is not love and infinitely available to us is only temporary and will soon end.  Accept what is needed and move on.

Citrine: Citrine is the crystal of abundance.  The universe is infinitely resourceful and you come from that same source of infinite energy.  Manifest that which is meant for you with the strength and courage of the Sun.

Death:  This third card is closely relative to the first two.  Does the point of view of lack need to be let go in order to ease our way through this retrograde?  Death is not about a physical death, more about a spiritual change, old habits dying off, or something significant that took up much of our time or energy that is now coming to an end.

Amethyst:  Amethyst is the perfect crystal for breaking bad habits that we mentioned in the first two cards.  It can help rewrite the old ones for new, healthy habits that will help us grow spiritually and in love.  Amethyst’s purple color also helps add peace to our auric field and environment.  Connect to the higher self through the crown chakra or tune the intuition by placing it on the third eye chakra.