What is LOVE Pt. 2 <3

Grand Rising,

I’ve lately been getting into “A Return To Love” by Marianne Williamson.  The book is written based on a class taken by the author: A Course In Miracles.  I cracked this book open a few times and finally got a good enough percentage in to reflect.

I’ve also been in about 3-6 breakups this year(depending on if repeats count) and I’ve finally decided to take some good time to just love myself.  I know I’m the best person to love me and when I get to that spot where I’m doing it well, it feels so nice and I feel spiritually aligned.

Love is unconditional and where we are on Earth – everything has an opposite/needs relativity.  Fear would be the perceived opposite of love.

Love is righteous; free; abundantly available.  Fear can instantly block all of those. When we rightfully live from this unconditionally loving place within all of us, there is less worry and doubt.  I’m rather in the middle of it all right now and have some questions ringing in my head:

  • If I was 100% satisfied and happy on the inside, would I ever seek love from the outer world? 
  • Does that mean anyone who seeks outer love is not satisfied internally?
  • In loving myself unconditionally, isn’t that loving you, too?
  • If it’s all an illusion does any of it matter?

This usually brings me back to intention.  I believe we all incarnated for a specific reason.  Like going to the grocery store for cause you know you need bread, but you might grab a few other things to help along the shopping trip.  By all means, you can get just the bread and go. But I have found my bread yet??? I feel close to it.

My bread seems to be:

  • Holding onto personal standards
  • feeling  financially secure
  • loving freely – without worry or doubt
  • Maintaining focus and staying consistent
  • Making time-prioritizing plan
  • Sticking to it
  • Reacting from a place of abundant love

To simply say – I want a love that fills me up brings relativity that I am empty in the first place. I should fill myself up.

Feeling discouraged (the disharmony 🙁 )but I’ll take some advice I just gave a friend – you’re only just starting, give it time. All we have is time- until we don’t(dramatic finish).

I want to no longer say “I love love” I want my thoughts and actions to express that for me.

It could be my age or the time of year but as I reflect on this recent year; I’ve been through a lot. In various dimensions of life.

So relationships should make you happy but not be responsible for happiness.

Here’s a Sadhguru video about how to handle a break up. 

And check out our “Love Set” with Amethyst and Aventurine to help get back to yourself. It’s in the Shop.

I love you.