Why I Meditate

Grand Day.

Winter is among us.  As I prepare for seasonal depression I’m reminding myself why I’m still on this path and ways to stay afloat.  Meditation will be the focus this time.

I first started meditating in 2015.  I had not been to any class or done it with any groups.  I did watch some videos on meditation from Spirit Science, along with JBitterSweet, and some Sadhguru

From there it was to just try it myself.  There were friends in college I hung around often, and we would try some together as well.  


     Starting out can be rough, as far as focusing on “nothing”.  It’s rare many of us sit still with our eyes closed on purpose, without trying to fall asleep.  Remember the goal is not always to stop thoughts. Recurring thoughts should be paid close attention to to understand the root of the repetitiveness.  Otherwise, these thoughts and feelings should simply be viewed from afar. Sadhguru refers to it as watching traffic from a hot air balloon. You would give little energy as to whether there were few or many cars on the road, as you are up in the sky gazing down, pleasantly.

     YouTube and Spotifiy have been useful tools in assisting with keeping the focus.  To give less energy to my thoughts, I place dramatic focus on my breath. Music helps because it is easy for me to inhale to 4 beat counts and then exhale the same.  A simple “meditation music” search will show a plethora of results. Get creative with your search terms to amplify healing in specific areas.


     When I first started back I would do the chakra meditation.  I would lie down on my back with my legs straight out, slightly spread.I would begin by focusing my energy on my feet.  Removing any tension and ensuring the area is completely relaxed, I would move up to my calves and do the same thing. Breathing into the area with ease and bringing it to a state of peace.  That process went from my feet to my head. I usually had to pay special attention to the tension in my shoulders and loosening up my face or eyebrows. Once I reached my head I would then go back to the base of my spine, the root chakra.


     Starting with the root chakra and going all the way up to the crown(root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third-eye, crown) I would focus my energy on the chakra, to clear it.  Depending on the color of the chakra, I would also picture things in my mind to influence the brightening of the respective chakra.  

     There are many different reasons for a person to meditate and when I began, it was simply to get into the practice and become more familiar with the chakras.  This past summer I meditated and focused on healing my heart and heart chakra after dealing with grief and the ending of a relationship. My favorite meditation at the time was the selenite wand chakra meditation

These days I aim for a morning and night time meditation.  My initial goal was to do one a day. I slacked on that, so the two should guarantee at least one.  On days when I miss it I find myself wishing I had slowed down to find the time for one. A simple 10-15 minutes helps me get through the day and be more mindful.

Here’s a few extra tips and links below:

Spirit Science – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVSD66ZkF4g

JBitterSweet – https://www.youtube.com/user/jbittersweet/videos

SadhGuru – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNyJgNjCDuU

Why do you meditate? What made you try it out?