Why I Meditate? Pt. 2


It’s the end of a Scorpion, Mercury retrograde.  Almost anytime Scorpio is mentioned, I feel motioned to mention I have a stellium: Rising, Mars, Mercury and Pluto are all in Scorpio.  As I was flipping through my favorite book Lightseeds by Wabun Wind & Anderson Reed I could not help but want to share some of the simple yet complex language, definitions, and symbols explained inside this book.

I’ll start with what I have been doing personally and then go into where I’m wanting to expand on.  Lately, I have been using this Citrine crystal on my solar plexus to see how it affects me both during meditation and throughout the day.  I try to carry it with me as well. Previously, I would meditate without any crystals, as soon as I woke up, for about 15 minutes. I did it without crystals for some time to get a better feel of how I was without the direct use of them in meditation.  I prefer keeping the daily time I meditate the same as to ensure I get one in everyday. Doing it before I start my day helps me with future thoughts and knowing how to react in outside situations. A nice yoga session after a meditation is always love.

“Meditation is a process of drawing your attention from the world around you into the center of your being, which is connected with all of the universe.”

In my free time I enjoy writing rap lyrics.  One song I recently recorded is entitled “Intention.”  It was inspired by someone I felt was not clear in their thoughts and actions and I saw how it manifested into other people’s lives.  Whoever and whenever I write a song, one day I listen to it and realize: I wrote it for me. Sometimes I is spirit.

“Intention is a way of mentally preparing yourself for any ceremony or healing by first finding what you want, then naming it and asking the universe to help you in achieving your desire.”

Intention can be used for all activities.  When a healthy intention is set, it will only help.

I once heard prayer being referenced as “Talking to God” while meditation is “Listening to God”  

“When the energy of the heart joins the energy of the mind, that is effective prayer”

Whether you are using meditation to simply get in the groove or heal a specific area, try to set an inner intention before the session.  Another tip for meditation is gaining relativity and facing the direction that best correlates;


Beginnings, clarity, wisdom, and illumination

Mental healing and understanding


Rapid growth, trust, abundance, and love

Emotional healing and understanding


Maturity, harvest, experience, introspection, and strength

Spiritual healing and understanding


Changing forms, cleansing, renewal, and purity

Physical healing and understanding

Before finding this information I would naturally face East or South, when meditating at home.  Let us know how your next intentful and directional meditation session goes in the comments.